3:46 PM
The measurement of seasonal variation by using the ratiotomovingaverage method provides an index to measure the degree of the seasonal variation in a time series. The index is based on a mean of 100, with the degree of seasonality measured by variations away from the base. For example, if we observe the hotel rentals in a winter resort, we ...Detecting SeasonalityReasons For Studying Seasonal VariationAssumptionsSeasonal IndexModeling SeasonalityCalculationSee AlsoSeasonal variation is measured in terms of an index, called a seasonal index. It is an average that can be used to compare an actual observation relative to what it would be if there were no seasonal variation. An index value is attached to each period of the time series within a year. This implies that if monthly data are considered there are 12 separate seasonal indices, one for each month. There can also be a further 4 index values for quarterly data. The following methods use seasonal indices to measure seasonal varia…See more on psychology.wikia.org
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