7:54 AM
How a page is created. All Wikipedia pages are created by accessing a page title that does not yet exist, usually by clicking on a redcolored link (which denotes nonexistence, as opposed to a blue link which, with some exceptions, indicates the linked page exists). Creation is simple upon clicking a red link, you will be transported to a blank page.. Once there, enter any text and then ...Using Wikilinksfrom The Search BoxUsing The URLUsing Article Creation TemplateCreate Redirects to Your New PageProtecting Your New PageYou can use the wikis URL for creating a new page. The URL to an article of the wiki is usually something like this 1. http//www.example.net/index.php/ARTICLEor 2. http//www.example.net/wiki/ARTICLE If you replace ARTICLEwith the name of the page you wish to create, you will be taken to a blank page which indicates that no article of that name exists yet. Clicking the Edit page tabat the top of the page will take you to the edit page for that article, where you can cre…See more on mediawiki.org
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Tuesday, December 22, 2020